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Why I Un-Published The Audacity Novels

The Audacity series is now officially out of print pending re-release with all new cover and ALL NEW INSIDES. That's right. I'm doing a re-write of the first book in the series. I published the first book in 2018, just about two years into my writing journey, and the characters and world has developed so much since then, that I felt it deserved more.

The new edition will have several added scenes that build the world and develop the characters further, along with new jokes, a quick spit-polish on the old ones, and a lot more foreshadowing for events to come. It's the ultimate ret-con. I loved the original, and re-writing it has been nothing but fun!

I really have Space Wizard Books to thank for this. Space Wizard asked me to write and publish the short story "Climb Every Mountain" that explored Ix and Yvonne's backstory more. I enjoyed that so much, it gave me back that spark I needed to keep writing! I look forward to working with this amazing publish on other projects in the future. They are all Kickstarter supported, so please do check them out!

The webcomic of The Audacity also allowed me to review the first book and make some changes I felt needed making. That's free to read! You can buy a physical copy on my Etsy, too.

It was scary deleting the original books, especially because they had great reviews and ratings on Amazon, but it was important for my artistic vision, and that's why I do this, really.

If you'd like to get a free ARC ebook of the new version when it's ready, please let me know! Email and I'll get you right on the wait list for that.

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